OVHcloud Network Status

Current status
  • Operational
  • Degraded performance
  • Partial Outage
  • Major Outage
  • Under maintenance
ContainerID 71 | Switch sbg2-sdagg2b-a72.
Incident Report for Network & Infrastructure
Description: L'équipement réseau gérant les switches de baies rencontre un soucis.
Impact: Des perturbations ont pu être ressenties au moment de la coupure de 16h53 à 16h57 UTC. Tout est revenu a la normale mais nous investiguons sur la cause de l'incident.

Description: There is an issue the network device managing top of rack switchs.
Impact: Some perturbations might have been observerd from 4:53 to 4:57 UTC. Everything is back to normal we keep investigating to determine the root cause.
Posted Jan 03, 2020 - 17:15 UTC
This incident affected: Infrastructure || SBG (SBG1).